Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Charmed Evening #2

Props to Lamad Preparatory Academy for providing the community with a delightful dinner concert at Tucson High on Saturday, May 30. The delicious dinner was catered by A-Z Eatery (compliments to Chef John) and served by delightful young people from Living Water Ministry, the sponsoring church for Lamad Prep. The dinner speaker was the Honorable Ronald A. Wilson. Judge Wilson spoke of his own private Christian school education, and gave an impassioned advocacy for this unique urban school opportunity in Tucson.

The concert was held in the charming old Tucson High auditorium. Originally built in the 1930's, the auditorium and stage underwent a major restoration effort in 2004. Now it serves as a nostalgic-looking, but technologically well-equipped venue for performing arts. The Voices of Triumph, Dansiea Jones, and Tyrone Williams performed expertly (and inspiredly) to an enthusiastic, highly participatory audience. The artists generously donated their talents free of charge for this benefit concert, but their CD tables were well-patronized by the appreciative attendees after the concert was completed.

An unexpected treat for the audience was a live presentation by the students of Lamad Prepatory, entitled "The True Story of the Big Bad Wolf." Led by their school Director, Mrs. Carolym Anderson, and their teacher, Mrs. Glenda Tigney, the students simulated a mock trial format to review several legendary stories about wolves in children's literature, giving special attention to scrptural principles revealed in these stories, as well as (you haven't heard this before!) the wolf's point of view. Many in attendance commented afterwards how impressed they were with these well-trained young people.

Lamad Preparatory Academy is located at Living Water Ministry, 4343 E. 22nd Street, and serves grades one through three. Living Water is led by Apostle Warren Anderson, Jr. The school may be contacted at 745-5859.

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