Last night I revisited the Ben Stein documentary, Expelled. I had seen a pre-release back when it first came out so I could write a review for it on another blog: http://www.wittenberghall.com/holytrinityclassical/
For those unfamiliar with the film, the basic premise is that American academics who question doctrinaire Darwinism in any form are being systematically shoved out of the academic world. Institutions which have expelled scientists who point out that the emperor of natural section is embarrassingly naked (devoid of evidence) include George Mason University, Baylor University, Iowa State University, and the Smithsonian Institute. When confronted by Ben Stein as to their attack on academic freedom, they consistently denied (in the face of facts), trivialized, dissimulated, or dodged the issue. In other words, they all lied. An effective way that this was illustrated in the film was that after each interviewee denied anyone was expelled from their institution for not believing in Darwinism, Stein flashed on the screen the actual documenting letter received by each of the expelled scientists confirming that it was their failure to support evolution (as taught by current popular standards) which had been the cause of their dismissal.
This lack of integrity on the part of the administrations of these institutions would be alarming enough, but what I am really intrigued by was the interview with a scientist in Poland near the end of the film. Stein asked if he had ever been required to teach Darwinian evolution in the university in Poland, and he quickly replied, “NO!” He went on the comment that this is a uniquely American problem, because American academics have to be “politically correct” (his actual words).
I want you to pause a moment to let this sink in. A man who taught for dozens of years during an oppressive communist dictatorship was more academically free to explore both sides of an issue than a scientist in America, because we are more censorial and heavy-handed in demanding everyone think exactly the same way, than their communist society. Is this the America you have always been told you live in? Yet we have socialized (government subsidized, and therefore government-controlled) education in the “land of the free,” and only 13 per cent of the school age population have escaped from it (through homeschooling or private schools).
I say it’s time to expel…the students! Set them free! (Have I made anybody mad yet? I’m sure trying hard…).
The academic dishonesty and radical atheism in secular education is a significant driver to the decision that my wife and I made to home-school our children. When they reach college age we will look for institutions that still support intellectual freedom. One such is Covenant College in Chattanooga TN (http://www.covenant.edu/).
Thanks, Nathan. I, too, recommend Covenant College.
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